“I have been a student of Diana’s for many many years, sometimes a regular sometimes a returne, as I explore my yogic boundaries - but I always come back to her.
Diana is one of the best and one of my very favourite yoga teachers.
Her indepth studies of Iyengar and Pilates her hypnotherapy skills and not forgetting her amazing dance background, gives her a breadth of knowledge that covers what ever issues I as a student have brought to her. Some of it has been quite difficult for me but I have always rallied from her support and engagement and her guided relaxations are AMAZING such a powerful tool - you should try them!
She generates a community within her students - which is easily seen in the popularity of her on line classes since COVID - one leaves them feeling part of a family, I am already back on the mat with her in the studio I need her personal connectivity
Diana engages with all of her students which means her classes are relevant to all. Her enthusiasm in sharing her vast knowledge results in classes that are safe fun and inspirational - in fact I am not sure she isn’t a bit of a white witch.”
- Jan Balyckyi OBE DSc
“Diana’s presence on zoom during lockdown and beyond has been a real life line. It has been incredibly comforting uplifting and constant being able to join in with Diana’s on line classes.
I tend to get quite anxious and a bit uncoordinated - Diana’s clear expressive inclusive voice and presence makes joining in really easy and accessible.
She fosters a real sense of community amongst those of us who attend her regular classes. I think this is due to her genuine nature ; her kindness, experience, good humour and capacity to adapt to whatever is going on. (in this case a world wide pandemic)
Diana really notices everyone in her classes and is responsive thoughtful and creative to their needs.
I love when Diana brings in her yoga’s nidra and hypnotherapy experience It is such creative tool for enabling even the most tense of us the come away feeling relaxed empowering and restored
You know you are in safe and expressive hands with Diana.
Thank you for keeping the hope alive in these strange and challenging times.”
- Natasha Roffe, writer
“Diana has an in-depth understanding of Yoga as a system of understanding and a true and direct means to replenish the body-mind. One becomes aware of her experience and depth of understanding over time and yet she has an approach to her teaching that presents as ordinary and without pretension. One might say that her knowledge and understanding is felt as a solid perceivable foundation whilst her foreground presentation is decidedly every day.
It’s a very fine natural and disarming method.
Over time, I have benefitted hugely from her teaching not only physically but ongoingly as means to approach the world in everyday life with strength and compassion for oneself and others – a real Warrior mobility in heart, mind and body!”
Ray H - ex-professional dancer
“Diana’s classes were my introduction to yoga and I have been hooked ever since. She’s a great teacher, combining her yoga and meditation to create varied and fun classes. Diana always has time to answer individual questions and I always leave her class revitalised and relaxed.
I can’t recommend her highly enough.”
Julia Collins - longstanding triyoga student